1. Don't just let go of your complaints. Feel and think about your complaint. Find a way or devise a solution to it.
2. Travel and experience especially in other countries. You will be able to find something sold in one country but not in another country just because there was no supplier.
3. Write anything down. Start from there. Build your ideas and sharpen your business model. Think about it every day and night.
4. Share your ideas with others. They have to be critical of your idea. You don't necessarily have to accept all of their opinions, but they could give you important insight.
It is important have both your own time and time spent having a discussion with others.
5. Google it. There are probably good products and services already. Don't panic or discouraged. You can do better than that.
6. Do 1~5 for at least several months. It will usually take 2~3 years until you can find a good business idea and you become equipped with proper knowledge.
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